Diet and daily habits play a very important role in the intensity of the symptoms of incontinence.

So it is very important for the treatment of incontinence to know what causes it, what makes the symptoms worse and what relieves them!

To do this you will need to observe your daily habits and listen to your body!

An easy way to achieve this is to keep a diary. What diary? A diary in which you will record everything you eat or drink and also your visits to the toilet.

Carefully note any food or liquid consumed, no matter how large or small in quantity and also the time of intake. Then observe and record whenever you feel the need to visit the toilet and any accidents, always noting the time.

This way you will know if a habit or the consumption of certain foods / liquids increases your desire for a toilet visit and thus you will be able to avoid it!

In addition, it is certain that the diary will help your doctor a lot to find the causes that aggravates the incontinence symptoms and suggest the suitable solution for you.

Take the diary with you on your first visit!