Male incontinence, causes and types

The causes of urinary incontinence in men are different from those in women. In men, urinary incontinence can be caused by prostate diseases, such as benign hyperplasia, radiation to the pelvic area, bladder cancer or sleep apnea syndrome. Finally, obesity contributes negatively here as well, since permanent pressure is exerted on the abdomen and bladder, […]

Listen to your body – keep a diary!

Diet and daily habits play a very important role in the intensity of the symptoms of incontinence. So it is very important for the treatment of incontinence to know what causes it, what makes the symptoms worse and what relieves them! To do this you will need to observe your daily habits and listen to […]

Career men and urinary incontinence

Nothing needs to stop you! One of the concerns of men with symptoms of urinary incontinence is staying away from home for long hours. A concern that becomes more intense when the career demands are big. With the right preparation you can be sure that the symptoms of incontinence will not stand in the way! […]

Live on the positive side of life!

Do you want to enjoy every moment of life with optimism? There is a way to live on the positive side of life by making small but interesting changes in your daily routine. Here are some of them: Think of something you always wanted to do and try it for 30 days! It can be […]

Types of Urinary Incontinence

Stress incontinence : Laughing, coughing or sneezing may cause urinary incontinence (40-60% of diagnosed cases). When we laugh, cough, sneeze, or shout, the urethra is unable to retain the urine in the bladder. That is to say that the pressure exerted by the bladder exceeds the resistance of the urethra, when intra-abdominal pressure is increased and […]

What causes urinary incontinence

Urine is produced in the kidney and passes through the nephron tubules to be stored in the bladder. The bladder is a sac made of special muscle fibres; its interior is covered by special cells and is known as “transitional epithelium”. When a person is ready to urinate, the muscles covering the walls of the […]

Symptoms of urinary incontinence

Urine leakage when sneezing, coughing, laughing or during exercise. – Urine leakage – incontinence – on the way to the toilet. – Frequent urination to the extent that it impedes working or leisure times. – Urgent urination or the feeling that “I’m not going to make it to the toilet, I’ll wet myself”. – Nocturnal […]


Women who suffer from urinary incontinence often complain of sexual disfunction. Nearly 25-50% of women who consult their doctor regarding incontinence mention issues in their sex life, when replying to the right questions. The most frequent complaints regard reduced libido, inability to reach orgasm, and, lastly, painful intercourse. When asked how incontinence has affected their […]

How to deal with urinary incontinence

To start with, it all depends on the severity and extent of the urinary incontinence issue. In very many cases, incontinence can be countered with mild exercises that train the muscles and restore their function. There are, however, more intensive treatments. In certain cases, your doctor may prescribe medication, while other cases require surgery. Depending […]